What inspired her to become an artist?depends on your definition of "artist"

Saya Woolfalk was inspired to become a professional artist at the 1999 Venice Bienalle, while studying abroad in Florence.want to be inspired too?

She hadn't known that installation, performance, digital technology, video could be used in the context of making art.

This realization expanded her sense of her possibilities. It became clear to her that she wanted to pursue art.

What kind of art did she start with?depends on your definition of "art"

She started as a painter.

Her first experiences with digital art were digital collages her senior year of college, in early versions of Photoshop.

Okay, what happened next?great question, athena

Woolfalk moved into sculpture,

then performance,

then documenting performance with digital photographs and video,

and all of this moved her towards installations.

As the technology has become more accessible, she has worked on virtual reality projects and collaborated on augmented reality projects. here's a cool thing she did

How can viewers interact with her art?that depends on the definition of interaction, doesn't it?

Technology activates people's bodies through participatory performance.

Websites are forms of interaction.

Reading text is interaction.it's hard to define interaction, so concrete examples will do.

Interaction in Saya's art is designed around space, to facilitate the distribution of narrative.

Interaction in Saya's art is an attempt to make it easier for audience members to opt in to understanding the storylines and the narratives she creates.

Interaction is necessary to distribution.and distribution is necessary to interaction

Undesigned, freeform interaction with spaces and virtual objects and narratives are also incredibly valuable to her.unlike hovering over this text, which is the thing that you were supposed to do and just did.